Friday, January 25, 2008

Apostolic Doctrine, Holiness, & Revival

Hey everyone, I apologize for posting so late tonight. After church, I stayed around and fellowshipped, went out to eat, and just a little while ago got back to the hotel. I see that the number of hits have more than doubled since before church tonight, which makes me glad that folks are reading and enjoying my blog and my thoughts; and, hopefully I am helping to widen your understanding about this meeting and the WPF as well.

Tonight was, in my humble opinion, the greatest portion of the whole meeting. There were well over 1,500 people (mostly preachers) in attendance tonight. Some great independent brethren were there as well, men such as, Bro. Steve Pixler and Bro. Joel Holmes. There was no business held tonight, but we simply had church. Bro. Johnny Godair preached the greatest message that could have ever been preached for the beginning of a new church fellowship. He preached on the subject "Apostolic Doctrine, Apostolic Holiness, & Apostolic Revival". Tonight, Bro. Godair layed everything we believe in as Apostolics on the proverbial line. He left no unanswered questions regarding our Apostolic Doctrine, and Holiness beliefs, and emphasised that when we preach the whole truth, revival will not leave, but revival will come (Just as it has come to his own church, which is regularly attended by over 1,000 people, might I add).

It would be well worth your time and money to purchase the cd of the message tonight. In fact, on the website, ( cds of the entire conference are supposed to be for sale (except for Q&A period) sometime relatively soon.

I, personally, am very excited about what is happening, and what will be happening in the near future. Very excited! I hope to attend the Branson meeting as well, and if I am able to go, I will try to do my best to keep you updated during that conference as well.


Carl Brown said...

What an awesome blog. I'm so proud of you. You make it very interesting and informative. Great writer, I might add! :)
Ever thought of being an english teacher???
As Uncle Wendell Gleason would say when he thought something was fabulous - E. Plurbus Unum!
Love you, Mama

Unknown said...

man its been a long time... Saw your address on CAF. Looks like you're doing well! Stick to the old paths buddy...Hopefully we'll meet up in Branson.

God bless,
Joel Murphy

Martin said...

You still have this blog going.
How do I get that CD, of the inaugural speech you mentioned with Bro Godair?